Friday, June 27, 2008

It will probably come as no surprise to anyone that I absolutely do not like Pearl Jam. In fact, I would go as far to say they are probably one of the worst bands of all time.* So I was hilariously delighted to hear of a new terminology for fans of this band: EdHeads (i.e. one who is of the persuasion of actually liking Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam enough to go to the lengths of obsession, believe it or not!) It was relayed to me all too casually by some bro-brah who was just sitting on the couch less than ten minutes ago. It just sort of rolled out of his month, like it was no big deal, like he talked about Pearl Jam all of the time. Amazing.

*O.K. so I don't completely hate Eddie Vedder. That would be too mean, considering he won a morsel of respect from me for his work on the Into the Wild soundtrack, which was actually pretty damn good. But let me tell you, I was completely shocked, and if you ask me, it was the amazingness of Christopher McCandless that did it. All of his positive energies saturated Veddy, up out of the grave and into song.

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