Friday, July 25, 2008

Seafair United Indian Days Pow-Wow.

Over the weekend we all went to the Seafair Pow-Wow. When we first got there I almost started to cry. I was so overwhelmed with happiness, and excitement, and sadness, and regret, and pride. There were a few members of the Choctaw Nation there. I really want to get my certification and get involved with a the Choctaw community. I just have this sickness in my stomach when I think about it. I want so bad to reconnect with this part of my heritage. I want to be more of an Indian than I am, but I'm just white.

The regalia was so beautiful. There were so many neon colors and feathers. The outfit the girl on the right was wearing was my favorite.

There were lots of really cool venders and the dance competitions were so amazing. My favorite was the Chicken Dance (no, not that chicken dance), which was an old dance that was becoming more popular. The second version they did was super intense. The thing I liked about it the most, is that it was open to all age groups. There were very old men and very little boys, all dancing together. The jr. dance competitors were super cute. And they were amazing dancers, too! If I ever have children, they are going to have to do this kind of stuff.

The best part, however, were the drum circles. Everyone sits around one very large drum, and they all pound on it while they sing together. Drum circle. That's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Murray said...

You should get more involved in it. Yes, your white but the native beats are stronger in you.