Sunday, June 15, 2008

Also at the sculpture park were the three-dimensional graphic works of Geoff McFetridge. Because of how awesome this was, I decided to reserve an entire post for it.
Geoff McFentrige's work teeters on the edge of whimsy, optical illusion, and paranoia. While similar in style to some contemporary illustration, especially popular with the neo-MTV generation, McFentrige's playful yet eerily dark paintings seem to transcend these trendy and somewhat expected forms of drawing. It hearkens back to painters and designers like Ladislav Sutnar, Kasmir Malevich, and Marcel Duchamp, while reversing the flow of the Adobe Illustrator craze by hand-painting each piece. Likewise, his work is quietly psychedelic, reminding me of Harry Neilson's animated children's film The Point (which if you haven't seen, you should definitely get a copy.)

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