Thursday John Douglas and I visited the SAM Sculpture Park with the sole intent of visiting Mark Dion's Neukon Vivarium. But, much to our dismay, the volunteer run installation was closed when we arrived. I am seriously considering volunteering, just so it can be open for people to see. Although it did seem that being in the manner of a Mark Dion piece it would be inaccessible, right?
I was still pretty upset, even though I was standing in front of a totally awesome Richard Serra piece.
But how can you stay mad long when you are cradled in the giant rusty ship-like womb of of a Serra sculpture? Also of note, is the giant metallic tree ascending from a bed of wild flowers in direct proximity to the Mark Dion piece, which I found ironic and fitting simultaneously.
And lastly, probably the coolest job ever. I wish I could say that I buffered pop-enlargements for a living.
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